Thursday, June 20, 2013

Two Years + One Month

I guess I'm going to stop calculating the girls' birthday in "months".  I think it sounds funny when people say their kid is 28 months old or 34 months old.  They're two.  I'm fine with the 1/2 year addition at this age, but the monthly age calculation should stop at 2 (in my humble opinion)!

Anyway, the little ladies have been busy busy lately.  Lots of parties to attend, so little time. :)  Actually, they've been a lot of fun lately.  The stuff that comes out of their mouths is so funny sometimes.  The other day Kendall said to Kevin "I want to go to Disney World.  Mickey comes to see me at Breakfast".  WHAAA?  Do they remember our trip, or is she just remembering from the pictures we've shown them?   The funniest thing happened a few weeks ago at the grocery store.  Kevin picked up a package of Oreos and Kendall said "Nice!  Cookie Monster would love those!"  LOL forever.  Where do they get this stuff??

Kendall wants nothing to do with her tricycle all of a sudden.  I don't know if it's riding the bike that scares her, or wearing the helmet, but she refuses to get on it.  I was trying to coax her into it the other day and she started crying.  I have no idea what the deal with that is, but hopefully she gets over that soon!  Kylie is doing great and can actually pedal pretty well on her own.  She is in a very "I do it MYSELF" phase right now.  (UGH.  Don't get me started!)

Kylie has been Kylie lately.  She cracks us up all the time. She can say her full name if you ask her.  It's beyond cute. She loves the song "Catch My Breath" by Kelly Clarkson and will sing it almost word for word.  I tried to get it on video this weekend, but she got shy as soon as the camera was out.  If I get it, I will make sure to post.  It is so cute.  Both girls actually know all the words to "Beautiful Day" by U2 and several other songs.  They love their music (they get that from their Daddy!)

We pulled out the girls' baby pool earlier this week.  I was worried they were going to hate it (they weren't huge fans last year).  I was totally wrong.  They LOVED it.  The water was definitely chilly, and we had to practically pry blue lipped, shivering Kendall out of the pool to warm up.  She was even getting on her belly and gliding.  I think we may have a few little fish on our hands!

Monthly Picture.  Isn't it great how they smile for me???? 

The Evolution of a hug...

Kylie toss!
Kendall toss!
Kendall Anna

Kylie Ella

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