Monday, September 2, 2013

Italian Ice

After a busy weekend, we decided to take the girls out for Italian Ice this afternoon after their nap.  Kendall woke up on her own, but Kylie was (rudely) woken when I went into their room to get Kendall.  Needless to say, she was not too pleased.  My solution??  Let's go get some Italian Ice!  We pretty much loaded a crying Kylie and Kendall into the car and took off minutes later.  We went to this little place called Rocky's in Delaware.  They have Italian Ice, frozen custard and hot dogs, etc.  The girls and I each got a kiddie Gelati (Italian Ice with custard swirled through it).  Kevin got a medium.  They were so good.  Kylie chose Orange (which was actually Tangerine Cream) "I wanna eat my favorite orange!" (Orange is her favorite color).

Kendall chose Banana.

I got Mango and Kevin got the Tangerine Cream as well.  It was a perfect ending to a busy, but fun weekend.  Nothing beats bringing a close to the end of summer like "ice cream"!

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