Wednesday, May 15, 2013


We have slowly but surely been transforming our house back to an ‘adult’ home.  Since the girls were born we pretty much put the halt on all home improvements, and their toys and various baby necessities took over our entire downstairs.  Our basement is currently unfinished, so we decided to clear out our scrapbook / music room and make the girls a playroom. 

We started by moving everything out of the room, and patching the few holes in the walls and doing some touch up paint.  The girls loved the wall patch for some reason and kept on saying “Daddy making walls!”  When they went down for a “nap” on Saturday, we put all the decals on the walls and moved their toys in.  They were so excited when they woke up and saw their playroom was finished.  We still need to get a table and chairs, but otherwise it's done!

Wall #1

Wall #2.  They both point to this and say "Kendall Kylie pway room!"

Decals / stickers required a beer to get through

They have SO MANY toys!

Kendall with her "cookie"

Kylie vaccuming!

Oh Daddy...

Mama!  Stop taking pictures and put this on your 'cambera'.

I am so excited there is no longer a sea of plastic in my living room.  Now on to the next project!

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