Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Developmental milestones are hard.  I think we all look at the list of things children should be doing at a certain age and flip out because they aren’t doing A, B and C yet.  I understand that for sure.  At 8 months old, Kendall could sit up, pull to a stand, and belly crawl, but was unable to roll from back to front.  One day when I was watching her getting frustrated and struggling trying to roll over, I knew I had to call the pediatrician. She was diagnosed with torticollis. Within a month she was setup with Physical Therapy through a county program called Early Intervention.    She flourished in PT, was rolling shortly after.  Regular crawling and walking followed right behind.

The girls (at almost 18 months) have 40 to 50 words.  They are also able to string two words together.  “Hi, momma”, “Bye, dada”,“Elmo Book”, “More cracker”, etc.  They understand a lot of what you say and can respond if you ask them a question.  They know what noises a cow, sheep, horse, and monkey make, and will usually tell you if you ask them.  I like to think they are a little advanced for their age, but they are probably pretty well on target.  They understand most matching and shape toys.  Kendall was actually matching puzzle pieces at 14-15 months.
I’d like to think that they are just geniuses (and maybe they are!), but I think it’s also because of how much they enjoy books, how much we talk to them, and being in a daycare facility for as long as they were.  Sure, they get to watch some TV *gasp* but it hasn’t halted their verbal or expressive language at all.  Their TV time is definitely limited, and Kylie isn’t even that interested.  (Kendall on the other hand LOVES it…so we definitely have to limit TV time with her).  In my opinion, everything is ok in moderation.  They aren’t going to suddenly stop talking because they watched a half hour of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or YoGabba Gabba, and if it gives me a few minutes to clean the kitchen, unload the dishwasher, or fold some laundry, then all the better.
Development is going to be different in each child.  Always trust your gut, but try not to compare what your child is doing to what your BFFs child is doing.  It, most likely, will not be the same…

Easter books in November - totally normal...

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